





IAEA Water Isotope Interlaboratory Comparison (WICO), 2011

The Isotope Hydrology Laboratory of the International Atomic Energy Agency is organizing the fourth interlaboratory comparison for laboratories engaged in stable isotope analyses (2H and O18) of water samples. The exercise is part of the IAEA Water Resources Programme to promote quality assurance and to improve the reliability and comparability of stable isotope measurements.

Those willing to join the exercise should confirm their participation by sending the complete postal address of the participating institution with name of the investigator, e-mail, fax number and homepage (if available) to the Acting Unit Head of Isotope Hydrology Laboratory with the subject field WICO 2011:

Mr Manzoor Choudhry, Isotope Hydrology Laboratory,
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna International Centre,
P.O. Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria; fax:43 1 26007;
e-mail: isotope.hydrology.lab@iaea.org.

Detailed plan will be provided in due course.
